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kuratiert von Perennial Art - B. C. Epker und Witte Wartena
Für diese Perennial Art Ausstellung haben die Kuratoren B.C. Epker und Witte Wartena
acht internationale Künstler zusammengebracht.
Jeder Künstler ist in einer anderen Phase seiner Karriere, jeder hat einen unterschiedlichen kulturellen Hintergrund und spricht eine andere Sprache. Aber alle benutzen visuelle Elemente um ihre Kunstwerke aufzubauen.
Der eine setzt persönliche und autobiografische Elemente ein, die andere formale und abstrakte.
Der eine arbeitet direkt und spontan, die andere mehr herleitend oder experimentell.
Egal aus welcher Perspektive der Künstler arbeitet, man schafft es mit dem elementaren, und achtet darauf dass die Elemente, die in das Werk eingebracht werden, eine optimale Wirkung erzielen.
. Machteld van Buren
. Tatiana Ferahian
. B. C. Epker
. Witte Wartena
. John Hodany
. Rosanna Staus
. Fernanda Figueiredo
. Aafke Ytsma

In astrology elements such as water, earth, fire and air, are used to describe someone’s personality. Many ancient cultures were also familiar with the four elements. They used the terms to explain complex and dynamic processes in nature, to grasp them in more elementary terms, as simpler comprehensible substances.
Nowadays, if one thinks about elements, the periodic table is the first thing that pops up in our mind; it lists more than one hundred substances that are the primary constituents of matter. Each one defined and distinguished from the other by its atomic number.
Elements can also refer to the weather, especially bad weather as “fighting against the elements”. Or refer to the heater as a part of an electric teapot.
For this Perennial Art exhibition at Kunsthalle Hilsbach, curators B.C. Epker and Witte Wartena brought together eight international artists, all in a different stage of their career. They all come from a different cultural background and speak different languages. All use elementary (essential and characteristic) visual elements to build up their images. While one artist is using more personal or autobiographic elements, the other is using more formal or abstract; sometimes in a straightforward and spontaneous way, and other times more deductive or experimental.
No matter from which angle, the artist is always focusing on what is essential and whether the elements in the artwork work.
Vernissage am 04.09.2021
Ausstellung von 04.09. bis 26.09.2021
