Saku Soukka
Saku Soukka hat ab Ende Februar 2017 im Zuge seiner Ausstellung "Window in between"
mit Photos und Videos für einige Zeit in der AiR-Wohnung verbracht,
um an neuen Projekten zu arbeiten.
Aus seinem Zyklus "Window in between", der über die 4 Jahreszeiten verläuft, zeigte er während
seiner Ausstellung in einer Photo-Überblendungs-Projektion den Teil "The Winter-Part".
Er arbeitete in der AiR-Zeit am neuen Teil "The Spring-Part".

Saku in der AiR-Wohnung in Frühjahr 2017
Saku Soukka (born 1982 in Oulunsalo/Finnland) completed his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts last spring (2016). In addition to some solo exhibitions, his works have previously been on display as part of various group exhibitions, for example at the Espoo Museum of Modern Art (EMMA), Finnish Museum of Photography, Tent Academy Awards in Rotterdam, Netherlands, and at the Studi Aperti Festival in Ameno, Italy. He has made a photograph and poem collection Paperipeili (in Finnish) which is his first book and was published by Noxboox in April 2016.